🗳️ It's nice to be nominated

The state of the nominations arms race, a candidate nominated in Chief Mistawasis, and another Speaker has troubles

May 22, 2024 | Advertise with us

Be campaign ready.

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Good morning. Based on yesterday’s poll, readers of The SKoop Political Briefing are excited for EVERYTHING as we head into the campaign season! But in particular, people are looking forward to voting! So it’s a good thing we’re talking about candidates in today’s newsletter.

Here’s The SKoop for Wednesday, May 22:

  • The state of nominations,

  • Sask. Party candidate nominated in Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis, and

  • Another Speaker in the news for the wrong reasons.

Today’s Top Stories

The state of nominations

With the unofficial campaign period kicking off, The SKoop Political Briefing wants to give our readers a look at the state of nominations, as they currently stand. Each week we’ve been bringing you news and updates on all the candidates that have been nominated by the Saskatchewan Party and the NDP, and we are also looking at the head-to-head matchups in our Constituency Profiles (sponsored by SUMA).

But let’s dig a bit deeper. 

After last night’s nomination in Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis, the Saskatchewan Party has now officially nominated 49 candidates. If it weren’t for last week’s news that Marv Friesen and Hugh Nerlien would not run for re-election after all, the party would be down to just a final handful of nominations left to complete.

Aside from the upcoming Humboldt-Watrous and Kelvington-Wadena nominations, two safe constituencies for the party, the Saskatchewan Party’s “winnable” slate is now mostly locked in. Remaining nominations are mostly in constituencies that the Saskatchewan Party historically performs poorly and are currently manned by formidable NDP MLAs. These include constituencies like Regina Mount Royal (Trent Wotherspoon), Regina Elphinstone-Centre (Meara Conway), Saskatoon Centre (Betty Nippi-Albright), Saskatoon Fairview (Vicki Mowat), and other traditional NDP strongholds.

On the NDP side, the party has nominated 37 candidates so far, with another nomination coming tomorrow night in Regina Wascana Plains. For the NDP, all but two of their current caucus have been nominated by accalamation and will seek re-election. Candidates for the NDP have been nominated in all parts of the province, both in battleground constituencies (Saskatoon Riversdale, Prince Albert Northcote), and also in constituencies that are traditional Sask. Party strongholds, like Rosetown-Elrose and Kelvington-Wadena (though they are unlikely to make up any ground in those areas against the Sask. Party).

Of note: almost the entire nomination slates in Saskatoon and Regina for the NDP have been filled out. They’re still quite behind in nominations for rural constituencies, though.

So: what does this tell us? Candidates that are already nominated will have more ability to focus their time and resources on their constituencies, and the Sask. Party has a slight lead in that regard. Candidates will be door knocking almost every day with volunteers and campaign staff, raising money to fund their campaigns, and in the battleground or swing constituencies they will be doing their best to pick off voters from the other side. At the constituency level, it’s all about the ground game.

In addition, the air war from the campaign HQs will soon be able to support the candidates on the ground with messaging, helping with voter persuasion at the doors.

As the campaign goes on, if you see candidates at your door or out in the wild, send us an email and let us know about it!

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Sask. Party nominates new candidate for Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis

The Saskatchewan Party has nominated a new candidate for the constituency of Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis.

Saskatchewan Party members met at TCU Place to cast their vote in a contested race featuring two candidates.

Parminder Singh Dhaliwal was elected to represent the Sask. Party’s banner heading into the fall election.

MLA Gord Wyant was previously nominated, but later rescinded his nomination and removed himself from cabinet. It is widely anticipated that Wyant is gearing up for a Mayoral run in Saskatoon.

Singh is the 49th candidate nominated by the Sask. Party ahead of this fall’s election and is the party’s 20th new candidate on the ballot.

The Saskatchewan NDP will nominate a candidate for Regina Wascana Plains tomorrow night.

(Another) Speaker makes headlines

House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus (@HoCSpeaker/X)

House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus is under fire again as his neutrality is called into question.

A Liberal Party event hosted in Fergus’ Quebec riding of Hull-Aylmer was posted on the Liberal Party’s website featuring a photo of Fergus and language that was intentionally partisan in nature. Fergus is a Liberal candidate running for re-election, but he is also currently the Speaker, a role that must be non-partisan.

An invitation was sent out that read in part, “While Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives propose reckless policies that would risk our health, safety, and pocketbooks, our Liberal team is focused on making like more affordable.”

Conservative MP Chris Warkentin raised the issue in the House of Commons on Tuesday saying, "A Speaker cannot credibly claim to be objectively policing debate in the House of Commons by day while holding partisan attack rallies against the Leader of the Official Opposition by night."

The Liberal Party released a statement apologizing to Fergus for their error in posting ‘auto-populated text’ next to his image.

This is not the first time that Speaker Fergus’ neutrality has been called into question. In December of 2023, Fergus recorded a video for a provincial Liberal event wearing his Speaker’s robe. A few weeks ago, Fergus kicked out Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre for calling the Prime Minister ‘wacko’, something that had been said in the house before.

Unlike the United States where the Speaker of the House is the third-highest ranking partisan political official, right under the Vice President, in Parliamentary democracies the Speaker is the neutral voice, specifically non-partisan.

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2024 Election Candidate Tracker

  • Premier Scott Moe - Rosthern Shellbrook

  • Lisa Lambert - Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood

  • Muhammad Fiaz - Regina Pasqua

  • Jeremy Harrison - Meadow Lake

  • Lori Carr - Estevan-Big Muddy

  • Eric Schmalz - Saskatchewan Rivers

  • David Buckingham - Saskatoon Westview

  • Bronwyn Eyre - Saskatoon Stonebridge

  • Steven Bonk - Moosomin-Montmartre

  • Jeremy Cockrill - The Battlefords

  • Ken Cheveldayoff - Saskatoon Willowgrove

  • Gene Makowsky - Regina University

  • Alana Ross - Prince Albert Northcote

  • Christine Tell - Regina Wascana Plains

  • David Marit - Wood River

  • Doug Steele - Cypress Hills

  • Terry Jenson - Warman

  • Daryl Harrison - Cannington

  • Travis Keisig - Last Mountain Touchwood

  • Everett Hindley - Swift Current

  • Todd Goudy - Melfort

  • Sean Wilson - Canora-Pelly

  • Warren Kaeding - Melville-Saltcoats

  • Tim McLeod - Moose Jaw North

  • Paul Merriman - Saskatoon Silverspring

  • Terri Bromm - Carrot River Valley

  • Joe Hargrave - Prince Albert Carlton

  • Colleen Young - Lloydminster

  • Jim Reiter - Rosetown-Delisle

  • Jim Lemaigre - Athabasca

  • Kim Gartner - Kindsersley-Biggar

  • Khushdil "Lucky" Mehrok - Regina South Albert

  • Blaine McLeod - Lumsden-Morse

  • Megan Patterson - Moose Jaw Wakamow

  • Darlene Rowden - Batoche

  • Laura Ross - Regina Rochdale

  • David Chan - Yorkton

  • James Thorsteinson - Cut Knife-Turtleford

  • Rahul Singh - Regina Northeast

  • Riaz Ahmad - Regina Coronation Park

  • Ghislaine McLeod - Saskatoon University-Sutherland

  • Jamie Martens - Martensville-Blairmore

  • Maureen Alice Torr - Saskatoon Meewasin

  • Barret Kropf - Dakota-Arm River

  • John Owojori - Saskatoon Southeast

  • Mike Weger - Weyburn-Bengough

  • Brad Crassweller - White City-Qu’appelle

  • Greg Seib - Cumberland

  • Parminder Singh - Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis

  • Nicole Rancourt - Prince Albert Northcote

  • Joan Pratchler - Regina Rochdale

  • Betty Nippi-Albright - Saskatoon Centre

  • Aleana Young - Regina South Albert

  • Trent Wotherspoon - Regina Mount Royal

  • Nicole Sarauer - Regina Douglas Park

  • Meara Conway - Regina Elphinstone Centre

  • Matt Love - Saskatoon Eastview

  • Nathaniel Teed - Saskatoon Meewasin

  • Erika Ritchie - Saskatoon Nutana

  • Vicki Mowat - Saskatoon Fairview

  • Jordan McPhail - Cumberland

  • Melissa Patterson - Moose Jaw Wakamow

  • Bhajan Brar - Regina Pasqua

  • Tammy Pike - Martensville-Blairmore

  • Darcy Warrington - Saskatoon Stonebridge

  • Tajinder Grewal - Saskatoon University-Sutherland

  • Carolyn Brost-Strom - Prince Albert Carlton

  • Noor Burki - Regina Coronation Park

  • Jared Clarke - Regina Walsh Acres

  • Jacqueline Roy - Regina Northeast

  • Brenda Edel - Rosetown-Delisle

  • Tom Kroczynski - The Battlefords

  • Don McBean - Saskatoon Chief Mistiwasis

  • Grady Birns - White City-Qu'Appelle

  • Lenore Pinder - Yorkton

  • Lorne Schroeder - Kelvington-Wadena

  • Thera Nordal - Last Mountain-Touchwood

  • Cheantelle Fisher - Moose Jaw North

  • Kim Breckner - Saskatoon Riversdale

  • Alana Wakula - Saskatoon Willowgrove

  • Trina Miller - Batoche

  • Sally Housser - Regina University

  • Wynn Fedorchuk - Canora-Pelly

  • Mike Tapola - Wood River

  • April ChiefCalf - Saskatoon Westview

  • Hugh Gordon - Saskatoon Silverspring